Planned Giving

Support a cause that's important to you with a charitable gift, put your assets to work with our tax-efficient charitable strategies, and take advantage of the many tax benefits of making a gift. Apoye una causa que sea importante para usted con una donación caritativa, haga que sus activos trabajen para usted con nuestras estrategias caritativas fiscalmente eficientes y aproveche los muchos beneficios fiscales de hacer una donación.

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Planned Gifts Calculator

Gift Calculator

Please select a presentation that shows the income and tax benefits for you. You may view a unitrust, annuity trust, gift annuity, deferred gift annuity, sale and unitrust or gift and sale. We hope you enjoy these presentations!

  • Gift Annuity
    Benefit from excellent fixed payouts that are partly tax free plus charitable tax deduction.

  • Annuity Trust
    Receive high fixed payments with tax free sale plus charitable tax deduction.

  • Deferred Gift Annuity
    Benefit from fixed payouts beginning at a date more than one year from the gift.

  • Part Gift and Part Sale
    Enjoy substantial cash and save 50%, 70% or even 100% of tax on gain.

  • Unitrust and Sale
    Receive cash plus increased income from trust! Charitable tax deduction reduces tax on gain.

  • Unitrust
    Enjoy increased income with tax-free sale plus charitable tax deduction.
